1Alrighty about me.
My name is Rodney, 19years, I'm from South Africa, currently working part-time and studying.
Im a vegetarian, play bass guitar.
Blackberry, just because I was spammed with messages on it as I was typing this.
Yes, I'm a rather helpfull person.
Yes I do know people in your guild. Gunsiej, Cattriona, Teara and Izera I've raided quite a lot of 10 man content recently with
Teara and Gunsiej, mainly ICC 10 hc with teara and ulduar 10 HMs with Gunsiej, Cattriona raid random 25 man pugs with her
and Izera through TBC rep farming.
My current application is for both. Mainly with Cata in mind though. need a solid foundation for the new expansion.
2 About my ToonGasp I dislike talking about my toon
I may be in my dps offspec which is also decent.
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For tanking. charge in and devastate thunderclap revenge and then use everything off cd. shockwave when blood and thudner is atleast 2 stacks. shield slam and revenge are kept off cd as much as possible as so is shield block, along with my 4piece tier set bonus and trinkets. I will use shield wall and last stand when there is a problem occuring such as dps or the OT needs more healing or if someone slips up so I dont need as much attention, but theyre usually kept for when I know a big intake of damage will occur.
for Dps
Bloodthirst, raging blow are kept on CD as much as possible Heroic strike is usually spammed as much as possible but only when I have over 40 rage as sometimes I can become rage starved.
Total time played is 88 days 5 hours.
I'm not making an X-realm transfer.
I'm hated with the Sons of Hodir. never felt enthralled to make some headway into reputation or questlines with them.
Yes I do. im always up for fun things to do. some pvp from time to time. hunting world dragons and things like that. something to keep me busy before clubbing on the weekends or raiding nights
3 About GuildI have been in a few casual raid guilds. Cradle of Life during naxx times. didnt make any headway their due to it being so casual.
After that a few decent guildies and some of the cool people I've met in World of Warcraft went to make the guild Azeroths Finest which I'm currently in now.
The reason I want to leave is that people are not making an effort to show up for raiding. before the Europe summer holidays we had good progress on the LK and then it fell apart from there. We had to change maybe 15-20 core members over the last 4 months. We have made steady progress though despite all the changes. Having to keep changing players and/or finding pugs every raid night gets extremely tiresom and irritating.
I expect a stable fun enviroment in which I can have fun while playing and also have steady raid progress.
Because I know a few people from your guild and theyre fun people aswell as being skilled plus when spamming trade for a bit I was asked by one of your guildies which i know to maybe apply here.
No I haven't applied to other guilds. I do have a decent guild in which my Alt is in, but that will be a last resort.
4 About raidingYes. I always prepare well before hand. always well stocked up on flasks and food and also feasts. only on the rare occasion I'm not prepared when ive not been playing for a day or 2
I'm always 100% for progression. I'm a competent raider that can be an asset and help down a boss giving a hard time. I would rather spend an hour wiping on a boss giving us a hardtime than take an easy route and get past him in 10 mins by changing it to a normal mode from Heroic. My current guild doesnt like that, thats why my progress has been hindered.
My raiding experience before Wotlk is none existant. I'm a cute WoTLK baby hehe. since I hit 80 tanking voa with 24k hp back in emalon times ive been the MT for my guilds. I hit 80 when ulduar was the hardest raid around, and was making good headway with my casual guild into naxx when ToC hit. and then from there I've hit my
straps, my current experience is 7/12 icc 10 hc (1st 6 bosses and BQ) 10/12 icc 25 man (marrowgar, gunship and Rotface on HC,) Ulduar 10 HMs is 12/13 (missing yoggy +1) and algalon missing. Halion 10 man is downed and ulduar 25 man have i think 6-7/13 Hms.
I'm the MT for my guild aswell as 2nd in charge so I become responsible for why raids go bad of if I take a bad pugger or someone messes up it comes down to why i chose that person. quite a lot of responsibility but i enjoy it and I think i handle it well as ive taken a bunch of casuals to endgame material and been mostly successful
Putricide HC/Yoggy + 1. because I've had to rely on other players to do the hard work in those fights and it hasnt been done right. people cant manage the plague and timing of dps to change phase on putric fight. always have 3 oozes up at phase change or the plague spreads too fast or too slow and someone dies out due to lack of attention. Its hard for me as I cant do anything about it but shout over vent. If only shouting made a players character move... sigh Yoggy Ive only had 5 tries on him..
all I need say is. STAY OUT OF THE DAMN GAS CLOUDS. 16-20 adds in phase one..... /cry
Wednesdays 30%
Thursdays 100%
Sundays 60%
Mondays 70%
Ive never used any other loot system as a guild other than the MS/OS unless someone really needs a piece. I have however read into it and I think its extremely fair.
my UI
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5 ProfessionsEnchanting and Mining.
Enchanting has all the much needed recipes to makes us pew pew. Mining.... well /flex arms