IRL Name: iakovos
D.O.B.: 16th/May/1989
Location: Greece
English Skills:good
Character Name: Jacko
Character Class & Preffered/Experienced Spec: Protection spec mostly
Armory Link:
/Played time on char: Total played: 112 days
Membership status aiming for (Social/Casual-Raider/Active-Raider):
As tank, how do you keep threat and your tanking rotation?
Furthermore, why do you take your gear and talent the way you do. How can you improve your gear and talents? Please elaborate on these points.
First of all when i start to pull i start with Avengers Shield in order to give the extra damage or Hand of Reckoning. When i get close to the boss i use Concecration and then Crusader Strike/Hammer of the Righteous and Judgement in order to obtain Holy Power. When i max Holy Power i use Shield of Righteousness which is most like to be a critical hit due to talents tha give 100% critical change(120% Attack Power) when you use Judgements. I continue to use Crusader Strike/Hammer of the Righteous as well Judgement and also Avengers Shield if it gets refreshed from the talents. During this period also i spam Holy Wrath and Concecration when the cooldown is ready.
Sometimes i use Word of Glory to me or to another m8 to help him...
Days you can raid:Everyday except Monday and Tuesday at times 17:00-19:00 cause i have lesson...
I am all day online to wow...
Raid Experience: Naxxramas full - Ulduar till General Vezax - TogC full - ICC full
Guild Experience:I was on Cure
Access to headphones and a voice chat: Yes
Why do you want to join The Beastro?
Because i have friends and i want to do raids with progress and experience, Also i joined wow again some days ago and im looking for something good 2:)
What can you bring to the guild?
Good mood, be co-operative with other members and of course support guild actions.
Why should we recruit you? Give a detailed reason why we should recruit you.
Because i want to be with my friends and to help the guild to evolve...