- A. About You -
1. Name, age, where are you from and your occupation.
Tuncay, 32 years from holland and play wow at home
2. Please tell us something interesting about yourself.
Well i am married,work on a gas station that's open 24 h. Personality: Loyality, friendship, progress and fun are my elements of caracter.
In game my main is a lvl85 resto druid but also got a Hunter(85), mage(80), rsto/elem shaman(80) and a holy/disc priest(80)
3. Write the first silly word that comes into your head!
Heal me!
4. The guild relies on information posted on our forums are you the type of person to seek out helpful information and share it with others?
yes!, i play this game now 5 years and learned u need this to be a bit better than avarage, communication with others are prio!
5. Do you know anyone in the guild? Who and how do you know them?
well, Hsbtauren,Kedar, Dastigo.we where in the same guild last 2 years
- B. About Your Toon -
Please state your:
Character Name, Class and Race:
Armory Link
*Please note armoury links for guests works only with the CODE tool*
If there is anything that isn't immidiately apparent on your link can you please state why.
1. Character Specs:
2. What is your rotation for single target?
Well as healer its diffrent, depending of the sitiuation i heal my targets.
3. Are you able to play your offspec as well as your main spec? Does your gear also support this?
well, i can but i prefer healing cause thats what i am good at
4. What is your total time played on this character?
61days,16 hours
5. Are you making a X-Realm transfer?
6. What is your reputation with Therazane?
almost rev
7. Do you play actively outside of raiding?
well only daily and hc
- C. About Guild -
1. Which previous guilds have you been in. If you are in one now why do you wish to leave?
well i was in azeroth's Finest (that one disbanned cause lack of plyers showing up)
I got a hunter in Chilled(cause they are full of healers)
2. What do you expect from us as a guild?
Teamplaying,communication,progress and fun mainly
3. Why do you want to join this guild?
Well like i love Healing, Chilled is a good one but they want me as dps but i rather play as healer. also few best friends of mine are there.frontline (the guild i am with my druid atm)is good but not experienced enough.
4. Have you applied to other guilds?
5. We will be doing some PvP rated BGs, is PvP something that interests you?
yes but not with my healers, but i can think of it if its needed
- D. About Raiding -
1. Raiding takes alot of time and effort outside of the instance for comsumables etc. Do you have enough time to prepare adequately?
yes and no: yes if i am free and no if i have to work or there is something important in my RL i got a Wife to spend reputation too:) But will be able to raid 2 evenings avarage in a week
2. If your application is accepted. What kind of raider can we expect you to be? Give a brief description of your attitude towards raiding in both progression and farm content.
well its simple: Be prepared on what to expect(watch videos, info about tacts).During raids listen to what officers say and having fun:)
3. What is your raiding experience Pre-BC? In BC? WoTLK? and current content? Please state your leadership/role/responsibility
Seen the most raids, downed most of it. Been a leader in the past but i noticed i am not the right person for it(am too nice)
4. What do you feel has been your most challenging encounter and why?
well, it gives me a kick if i can down a hard boss in a team and getting better gear also as a reward
5. Please indicate with % your chances of raiding on the following days: (We raid evenings 19:30 - 22:30 game time)
0-100- Wednesdays
0-100- Thursdays
0-100- Sundays
0-100- Mondays
6. We use EP/GP as a loot system which rewards players on their raid activity, do you think this is a fair way of distributing loot?
yea, i think showing efford by being on time and doing your job well im more important thant getting loots because u are a good friend of the GM or Officers.
7. Please post a screenshot of your UI (whilst in a raid combat) and explain your addons. If you are a DPS please make sure that your recount/skada is clearly visible. (This is compulsory do not submit your application without it)
well i use , DBM, grid, recaunt on healer mainly
- E. Proffessions -Love alchemy got it on 4 caracters, but also engeneerin, enchantin,tailoring
1. What are your 2 professions? If they are not maxed to the level of profession perks, why not?
mainly alchemy
2. Do you have high end recipies that you can share with the rest of the guild?
yes and dont mind sharing, being greedy is something i dont like