1. Name, age, where are you from and your occupation.
My name is Brent I am and from South Africa and am still at school
2. Please tell us something interesting about yourself
I enjoy motocross and enduro
4. The guild relies on information posted on our forums are you the type of person to seek out helpful information and share it with others?
I spend time reading up things about my class and raids which could be of use.
5. Do you know anyone in the guild? Who and how do you know them?
I only know bettsie
Character Name, Class and Race:
Hunter MM
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/twilights-hammer/Whitebush/advanced2. What is your rotation for single target?
My rotation is simple,but sufficient I get all my information from Noxxic and Elitist jerks
4. What is your total time played on this character?
I have been playing almost a year now.
6. Are you making a X-Realm transfer?
7. What is your reputation with Therazane?
8. Do you play actively outside of raiding?
Yes I do
1. Which previous guilds have you been in. If you are in one now why do you wish to leave?
Pap en vleis
Horde Spartans
2. What do you expect from us as a guild?
I would just be happy to be in a raid team
3. Why do you want to join this guild?
I would like to make further raid progress as a guild
4. Have you applied to other guilds?
Awhile ago i did for Neverdiez
5. We will be doing some PvP rated BGs, is PvP something that interests you?
Yes it is I have alot of ruthless gear and would like to do RBG
1. Raiding takes alot of time and effort outside of the instance for comsumables etc. Do you have enough time to prepare adequately?
Yes I will always be online to be prepaired long before the raid
2. If your application is accepted. What kind of raider can we expect you to be? Give a brief description of your attitude towards raiding in both progression and farm content
I dont raid for myself that is why i dont like to pug. I enjoy being part of a team so wipes is really not a problem for me. I will always give of my best for the guild.
3. What is your raiding experience Pre-BC? In BC? WoTLK? and current content? Please state your leadership/role/responsibility
I have done a few of the instances before cata. I have done uldaer 10 and 25 man. I have raidlead a few FL pugs and got 4/7 pre nerf.
4. What do you feel has been your most challenging encounter and why?
I think it would be ragnaros the first time as i was one of the only dps alive and had to solo all the meteors and DPS the boss and it was my first time on Rag.
5. (For DPS) There is a group of 6 mobs with clear instructions of a killing order plus some CC's. Do you:
6. Please indicate with % your chances of raiding on the following days: (We raid evenings 19:30 - 22:30 game time)
I can raid 100% all of those days
7. We use EP/GP as a loot system which rewards players on their raid activity, do you think this is a fair way of distributing loot?
It could work as motivation for the team so I cant complain.
8. Please post a screenshot of your UI (whilst in a raid combat) and explain your addons. If you are a DPS please make sure that your recount/skada is clearly visible.
https://2img.net/r/ihimg/photo/my-images/824/wowscrnshot111011012200.jpg/1. What are your 2 professions? If they are not maxed to the level of profession perks, why not?
Mining and jewelcrafting. i am busy on JC now because i feel I can benefit from the gems.
2. Do you have high end recipies that you can share with the rest of the guild?
My bank is full of recipes.
I hope my application is of standard and hope to have a chance to raid with The Council