Dear Mr/Mrs,
I am writting this letter in order to apply to enter the guild "The Council". Here are your requirements as stated in your message "PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE APPLYING":
A.1.My name is Peter (Petros in greek), i am 17 years old (18 at August 29) and i am from greece. Although i am a student i had a knee surgery and had to stop school so i have lots of free time.
2.I love listening to HIM.
4.Yes i love sharing my experience with the guild members and asking for new info too.
5.I don't know someone.
B.My character is called Gtphalo. He is a troll hunter.
1.My main spec is Marksmanship pve and my offspec is Marksmanship pvp.
2.My rotation is simple enough and easy to remember. It goes like:
Hunter's Mark --> Serpent Sting --> Chimera Shot --> Steady Shot --> Steady Shot --> Aimed Shot --> Steady Shot --> Steady Shot --> Chimera Shot --> Steady Shot --> Steady Shot --> Aimed Shot --> Steady Shot --> Steady Shot --> Chimera Shot...and it continues like this. If "Fire" is proced (a focus and casting time free Aimed Shot) i shoot it the time it procs if it doesnt proc in the Steady Shot serie.
3.Yes i can play with my offspec although i dont have a lots of pieces of pvp gear.
4.25 days 6 hours 17 minutes
6.I am exalted with Therazanne.
7.I don't understand the question sorry.
C.1.I have been in Die For Fun and Bad News. The reason i left them is because the raids they organised weren't progressing.
2.My expectations are to progress and have some fun.
3.I want to join this guild because it is a hard core progressing guild.
4.Yes i applied both for Die For Fun and Bad News two weeks ago.
5.Yes i am interested in pvp.
D.1.Yes during this year i have more than enough time to be ready for raiding.
2.I will be a hard core social raider who helps his guild mates.
3.I started playing WoW in WOTLK. I have experience for Icecrown Citadel (10 and 25), Obsidian Sanctum (10 and 25), Onyxia (10 and 25), Tempest Keep (25).
4.My most challenging encounter was Sindragosa, because we couldn't coordinate good with each other and lost lot of tacts. What is more, it is a hard fight itself, and in my opinion, harder than Lich King.
5.I would of course follow the killing priority and make sure i don't break the cc on the affected mobs.
6.All days are 100% for me but Sunday is 150%.
7.I believe that if the raid members are devoted and follow the Main Spec priority, either Ep or Gp are the best option for resttributing loot.
8.Sorry but i don't know how to apply photos i will give you the URL:
Well the addons i use are the usual ones. Atlas Loot, Recount, Omnicc, Deadly Boss Mods, Mik Scrolling Battle Text, Qartz 3 and sometimes (just for fun) Comix.
E.1.I have Leatherworking and Skinning, both 525.
2.Yes i have recipes for epic items in Leatherworking (Dragonkiller Tunic, Chestguard of Nature's Fury, Belt of Nefarious Whispers, Corded Vipe Belt).