- A. About You -
1. Name, age, where are you from and your occupation. Teo ,20 , greece , student in university about computers and information
2. Please tell us something interesting about yourself. I cooking perfect pizzas
3. Write the first silly word that comes into your head! Holytitan
4. The guild relies on information posted on our forums are you the type of person to seek out helpful information and share it with others?
5. Do you know anyone in the guild? Who and how do you know them? no i dont
- B. About Your Toon -
Please state your:
Character Name, Class and Race: Holytitan paladin and Gay elf
Armory Link:
1. Character Specs:
2. What is your rotation for single target?
3. Are you able to play your offspec as well as your main spec? Does your gear also support this?
yep i have quite big xp as retribution
4. What is your total time played on this character?
130 days 23 hours, 28 minutes
5. Are you making a X-Realm transfer?
nah ibut i have 1 month on this server
6. What is your reputation with Sons of Hodir?
7. Do you play actively outside of raiding?
- C. About Guild -
1. Which previous guilds have you been in. If you are in one now why do you wish to leave?
Thule on frostwhisper
2. What do you expect from us as a guild? A stable and a friendly raiding enviroment
3. Why do you want to join this guild? I want to be a valuable member of good progressing raiding team. Have fun with other members inside raids
4. Have you applied to other guilds? No
- D. About Raiding -
1. Raiding takes alot of time and effort outside of the instance for comsumables etc. Do you have enough time to prepare adequately?
2. If your application is accepted. What kind of raider can we expect you to be? Give a brief description of your attitude towards raiding in both progression and farm content.
I am very active raider , i see the game as challenge i am prepared before every single raid by reading tacticts even tho the raids are new ( i spend a lot of time on ptr servers).
I love progressing with my guild and thats it what i mainly focus on.
3. What is your raiding experience Pre-BC? In BC? WoTLK? Please state your leadership/role/responsibility
iam wotlk player
The Wrath of the Lich King:
Naxxramas 25 - Cleared
Malygos 25 - Cleared
Obsidian Sanctum 25 - Cleared (Twilight Zone)
Ulduar 10 - Cleared with all hm
Ulduar 25 - Cleared
Trial of the Crusader 25 HM - 4/5
icc 10 - 11/12 hc +drake
icc 25-11/12 hc + very good tries on lk hc with 30%debuff
4. What do you feel has been your most challenging encounter and why?
mm i think firefighter was the best encouter in my opinion , a lot of movement ,big dmg on the raid was real good fight tho
5. Please indicate with % your chances of raiding on the following days: (We raid evenings 19:30 - 22:30 game time)
- Wednesdays 100%
- Thursdays 100%
- Sundays 50%
- Mondays 100%
6. We use EP/GP as a loot system which rewards players on their raid activity, do you think this is a fair way of distributing loot?
I find it cool
7. Please post a screenshot of your UI (whilst in a raid combat) and explain your addons. If you are a DPS please make sure that your recount/skada is clearly visible. (This is compulsory do not submit your application without it) sorry but i dont have any picture on combat, i can capture one out of combat but i find it useless . My addons is DBM , bartender 4, omen3, ora 2, decoursive, quartz ,recount,clcbpt ,tip tac and x- perl
- E. Proffessions -
1. What are your 2 professions? If they are not maxed to the level of profession perks, why not?
Enchanting/jc 450 both of them
2. Do you have high end recipies that you can share with the rest of the guild? yep