1. Heya my name is Robert and I'm 22 and born in Holland and currently living in Switzerland. I currently work in Hotels around Europe.
2. So Im a big fan of soccer/football but hey lets not talk about the world cup! I've been playing WoW since Day 1 Actually even went to the USA to buy myself a copy of the US version since European Version came out 3 months
later.. Geek/Nerd say what?! Hardest part was raiding with US time zone living in Europe 3am till 7am raids oh yea!!!! Just my cup of tea!!!
3. Jiggly fat Koalas
4. Oh yea im quiet active on forums and I dont mind speaking on vent also as a matter of fact.
5. Sadly I have no reference in your guild, but i sure do hope to get to know you all!
- B. About Your Toon -
So my Characters name is Dieu ( Meaning God in French but hey my ego is only big on weekends!) and hes an Undead Disc Priest
Armory Link:
*Please note armoury links for guests work as follows:*
- Code:
If there is anything that isn't immidiately apparent on your link can you please state why.
Yea I am aware that i am handling PvP Main Hand and Off Wrathful at this current time they are not that bad!
1. Character Specs:
Main:Disc Priest
Off: Holy
2. What is your rotation for single target? Mmm Sheild Renew Penance Mending Flash Flash
3. Are you able to play your offspec as well as your main spec? Does your gear also support this? Yeap
4. What is your total time played on this character? 50 Days
5. Are you making a X-Realm transfer? Nope
6. What is your reputation with Sons of Hodir? Revered - Due to being able to transfer via other chars I stopped grinding rep
7. Do you play actively outside of raiding? Apart from Raiding I herb, make potions gear up other specs, and help out guildies when can do.
- C. About Guild -
1. Which previous guilds have you been in. If you are in one now why do you wish to leave?
The guild i am currently in on my priest is mostly a social guild.
2. What do you expect from us as a guild?
I expect respect and a good time honestly.
3. Why do you want to join this guild?
Your achievements speak for themselves
4. Have you applied to other guilds?
- D. About Raiding -
1. Raiding takes alot of time and effort outside of the instance for comsumables etc. Do you have enough time to prepare adequately?
More then enough i usually stock up for the week's worth + more to put in bank.
2. If your application is accepted. What kind of raider can we expect you to be? Give a brief description of your attitude towards raiding in both progression and farm content.
What you'll get from me is a mature raider that doesn't mind wiping repairs and the obvious, if we wouldn't make mistakes we wouldn't get anywhere in life
3. What is your raiding experience Pre-BC? In BC? WoTLK? Please state your leadership/role/responsibility
As mentioned before I have been in WoW since Day 1 - <3 Vanilla. In the past 6 Years Ive seen all the bosses. Oh Yes i love 40 man MC style.. rolling for loot was just legendary roll spam on screen! I've been a raid leader in
BC leading troops into BT and SWP and when WoTLK came i made groups in Dalaran and raid lead them to kill LK.
4. What do you feel has been your most challenging encounter and why?
A Challenge Mmm fights are logical. I mean stand in fire mm get out maybe? All fight mechanics should be learned after 2-3 wipes and no excuse after that. It's a game and not rocket science.
5. Please indicate with % your chances of raiding on the following days: (We raid evenings 19:30 - 22:30 game time)
- Wednesdays 90%
- Thursdays 90%
- Sundays 70% ( Depends on hangover
- Mondays 80%
6. We use EP/GP as a loot system which rewards players on their raid activity, do you think this is a fair way of distributing loot?
Of course worked with it before
7. Please post a screenshot of your UI (whilst in a raid combat) and explain your addons. If you are a DPS please make sure that your recount/skada is clearly visible. (This is compulsory do not submit your application without it)
All my healing spells/dispelling/dance moves are bounded with Vudho addon via my mouse and keyboard.
- E. Proffessions -
1. What are your 2 professions? If they are not maxed to the level of profession perks, why not? Alchemy and Herbalism
2. Do you have high end recipies that you can share with the rest of the guild? Those dont really exist for my professions.
Just on a side note - Incase you have no space for a Priest I do have an 80 of every other class in game apart from DK decently geared.
Prot Tank
- Code:
MM Hunter
- Code:
Destro Warlock
- Code:
Resto Shaman
- Code:
Pro Tank
- Code:
Arcane Mage
- Code:
Prot Tank
- Code:
Rogue Assi
- Code:
Apart from that you'll you to get to know me for more information
Hope this suits you and wish you an excellent weekend. Thanks in advance for reading my application - Offtopic but 2 meters of snow just landed in my Garden :O